Truth about cellulite :Can You Get Rid of Cellulite? The Weird Truth
Ladies of all ages, shapes, weights and sizes are plagued by
lower body cellulite issues. Some women have it from childhood and
others get it later in life, usually after having children. Cellulite
can also get worse as the years pass - if the wrong treatment choices
are made when trying to get rid of it.
Because of this ever-growing and desperate market - there is a grossly overwhelming list of "cellulite treatments" on the market. These supposed anti-cellulite solutions range from cleverly named lotions to space-age body-pods found in "medi-spas".
With all of these ineffective offerings available - the desperate woman jumps from one to the other, wasting hundreds and sometimes thousands of dollars trying to get rid of the appearance of the dimpled, bumpy and 'orange peel' skin in her butt, leg, hips and thigh areas.
What most women don't know is that no passive treatment can get rid of cellulite. It's simply impossible. And here's why... Cellulite results from weak, mushy and un-toned muscles in the lower body.
When all the muscles are atrophied and soft - the skin above those muscles has no layer of firm and tight support - so the skin buckles and shows 'dents' which has been given the name 'cellulite'.
See, cellulite is not a thing - but rather a word to describe the appearance of all the uneven bumps and dimples on the female lower body. Since it is a muscle-tone issue - the only way to get rid of cellulite is by firming, toning and strengthening the muscles in the leg, butt, hip and thigh area.
As the muscles become firmer - they push outward on the superficial skin layers and the bumps and dimples fade away as the skin becomes more even, tighter and smoother.
In essence - only the proper exercises can get rid of cellulite and keep it away permanently. Everything else is just a waste of time, money and your self-esteem.
Because of this ever-growing and desperate market - there is a grossly overwhelming list of "cellulite treatments" on the market. These supposed anti-cellulite solutions range from cleverly named lotions to space-age body-pods found in "medi-spas".
With all of these ineffective offerings available - the desperate woman jumps from one to the other, wasting hundreds and sometimes thousands of dollars trying to get rid of the appearance of the dimpled, bumpy and 'orange peel' skin in her butt, leg, hips and thigh areas.
What most women don't know is that no passive treatment can get rid of cellulite. It's simply impossible. And here's why... Cellulite results from weak, mushy and un-toned muscles in the lower body.
When all the muscles are atrophied and soft - the skin above those muscles has no layer of firm and tight support - so the skin buckles and shows 'dents' which has been given the name 'cellulite'.
See, cellulite is not a thing - but rather a word to describe the appearance of all the uneven bumps and dimples on the female lower body. Since it is a muscle-tone issue - the only way to get rid of cellulite is by firming, toning and strengthening the muscles in the leg, butt, hip and thigh area.
As the muscles become firmer - they push outward on the superficial skin layers and the bumps and dimples fade away as the skin becomes more even, tighter and smoother.
In essence - only the proper exercises can get rid of cellulite and keep it away permanently. Everything else is just a waste of time, money and your self-esteem.
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